
Research integrity was discussed in the EMBO seminar

Photo from the archive of B. Liekė

The seminar about research integrity organised by the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) was held on 10 November in the Life Sciences Centre of Vilnius University. Research integrity and good practices in life sciences were discussed in the event. Senior Specialist (Senior Analyst) from the Office of the Ombudsperson, Dr Julija Umbrasaitė, introduced the participants of the seminar to the European guidelines and recommendations in the field of research integrity, national documents related to academic ethics, participants in the process of research and higher education, and presented the performance fields of the Office of the Ombudsperson. EMBO representative Sandra Bendiscioli stressed why it is important to carry out research honestly and what responsibilities researchers have. The speaker introduced the most important international documents that establish research integrity principles and requirements for the researchers to the participants (e.g. Singapore Statement on Research Integrity, Helsinki Declaration). The attendees were interested in where to refer it if dishonest behaviour is noticed and what requirements are applied for researchers from other countries (e.g. non-European).

The researchers continued the discussion in a closed session about research integrity, violations of ethics and challenges arising from management of research data, research with humans and publishing research results.