
Involvement of citizens in research affects research ethics

On 13 August, the Ombudswoman for Academic Ethics and Procedures Loreta Tauginienė delivered a presentation on the challenges of ensuring research ethics by involving citizens in research as peer researchers. She emphasized that with changing methods of conducting research, mechanisms for ensuring research ethics also change. The Ombudswoman noted that researchers have to make considerable efforts to avoid conflicts of interest, improve access to research data, adhere to ethical authorship, search for other methods and forms of informed consent, etc. The role of researchers is also changing when including citizens as peer researchers in research. All of these challenges must be properly addressed in advance. The Office plans to develop guidelines on ensuring research ethics  by involving citizens as peer researchers in conducting research and publishing research results.

Mykolas Romeris University, Kaunas University of Technology and Office of Ombudsperson of Academic Ethics and Procedures held the event “Perspectives of Citizen Science in Lithuania”.