
Quality culture is inseparable from the ethical culture in the academic environment

On 23 November, the attendees of the Council of Europe Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education, ETINED, placed offers for the draft of Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on countering Education Fraud and promoting ethics, transparency and integrity in education. The significance of the role of research and higher education institutions, other educational institutions and national stakeholders for promotion and assurance of quality culture and ethical culture in teaching and research is especially stressed in the draft of Recommendation. Besides, the attention was drawn to the threats of technological progress for fostering of ethical and integrity culture in the academic environment.

Ombudsperson for Academic Ethics and Procedures, Dr. Loreta Tauginienė, raised questions related to the influence of technological progress on the content of violations of academic ethics (e.g., plagiarism), relations between national and institutional codes of ethics, and rights of the persons abusing their right to notify about allegations of academic ethics. The Ombudswoman suggested to improve the definition of plagiarism.