
Academic ethics with ethics committees has been discussed

Senior Analyst of the Office Dr Birutė Liekė

On 12 May, the Ombudswoman Dr Loreta Tauginienė met with the Ethics Committees of research and higher education institutions. During the meeting, the representatives of the Office presented the current issues of academic ethics. The Senior Analyst Dr Julija Umbrasaitė explained what academic ethics violations related to research data are and what means may be used to detect them (e.g. by using dedicated information technology) and manage them preventively (e.g. by submitting a research data management plan). The Senior Analyst Dr Birutė Liekė discussed international trends in the field of academic ethics related to the use of artificial intelligence-based technologies. She summarised the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, the final report of the Expert Group on Artificial intelligence (AI) and Data in Education and Training of the Commission and other documents in this area. The Ombudswoman presented information on the emerging need for whistleblower protection and the forthcoming Handbook on Whistleblower Protection produced by the European Network of Research Integrity Offices.

Representatives from Vilnius University of Applied Sciences, Kaunas University of Technology, Vytautas Magnus University and ISM University of Management and Economics also shared their good practices.

Photos from the archive of the Office