
The Ombudsperson took part at the anniversary assembly of the LSS

On 23 August, the opening of the 20th assembly of the Lithuanian National Union of Students Union (LSS) was held at Klaipėda University to discuss the future of higher education, the influence of students on higher education policy making, the mental state of students in the academic environment and other topics of interest to students.

On 24 August, the anniversary assembly of the LSS moved to Šventoji, where eight student working groups explored ways of solving various problems. Three of the eight student working groups showed interest in manifestations of academic dishonesty in Europe, good practice of foreign countries, analysed codes of ethics at higher education and research institutions and searched for solutions to promote academic integrity.

The Ombudswoman Loreta Tauginienė moderated one of the three academic integrity working groups. This student working group included 13 students from 10 higher education and research institutions. Students explored the peculiarities of audit of institutional ethics: the importance of institutional values ​​in determining organizational culture and planning changes in higher education and research institutions, the development of ethical codes; got familiar with contextual academic ethics research of Lithuania on the basis of which they identified problem areas and offered methods for resolving them (i.e. the use of more than one software for content matching, more intensive education on intellectual property protection, copyright, better responsibility management by giving team assignments to students, ensuring whistleblower protection, a clearer examination procedure and strengthening the competencies of ethics committees).

The plan is to continue the activities of the student working group in the integrity field in the fall of this year in cooperation with the Office of Ombudsperson for Academic Ethics and Procedures.