Event: 17-19 May 2022

Open Call: Training in Academic Integrity

The BRIDGE project team has pleasure to inform you that if  you are a master student, doctoral student or supervisor and find yourself in Vilnius on 17-19 May 2022, you are invited to participate in one-day training where you will deepen your understanding of ethics and integrity in higher education, business, and society. During the training, you will get to know where academic integrity and research integrity meet, how the overcoming of possible problems is facilitated. You will also find out more about contract cheating and plagiarism, why these practices are problematic, what are the risks and threats and how to avoid such malpractices. Special session about research ethics will be provided to supervisors.

Please find the preliminary programmes of the training:

Training for master students: 17 May 2022

Training for doctoral students: 18 May 2022

Training for supervisors: 19 May 2022

At the end of the workshop the certificates will be provided for each participant who fully attended the workshop.

The number of participants is limited, and you will be informed on your registration approval via email not later than by the end of April.

We recommend you register for the training ASAP here.

If you have any questions related to the training, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail egle.ozolinciute@etikostarnyba.lt.

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