
Meeting with the community of the SMK University of Applied Sciences

On 27 February 2023, the staff of the Office discussed academic ethics with the lecturers and students at the SMK University of Applied Sciences. The participants of the meeting were interested in how to avoid image plagiarism. Dr Birutė Liekė, the Senior Analyst of the Office, discussed the concept and types of plagiarism, demonstrated the ways and sources to find and properly cite visual material and how to detect and assess possible image plagiarism on the Internet. The ethical use of AI-generated images, how to properly cite images from a PowerPoint bank, and how to assess plagiarism in final thesis were discussed during the meeting too.

The community of the SMK University of Applied Sciences was also familiarised with the ethical challenges of research, business and society cooperation and the guidelines that reflect them. Dr. Julija Umbrasaitė and Dr. Birutė Liekė presented the project “Bridge” project and the Guidelines for Integrity in Research and Business Collaboration and the Guidelines on Research Ethics and Research Integrity in Citizen Science which were drawn up with the project partners. The participants discussed how to conduct various collaborative research activities in a manner consistent with academic integrity.

Almost 80 members of the academic community of the SMK University of Applied Sciences attended the meeting.