
We continue our participation in Science Festival “Spaceship Earth”

The Office of the Ombudsperson for Academic Ethics and Procedures has participated again in the events of Science Festival “Spaceship Earth” this year. The festival’s programme aimed to popularise science covered even 400 events this year. They were held in 19 cities and regions.

Ombudsperson for Academic Ethics and Procedures, Dr. Loreta Tauginienė, Senior Specialist (Senior Analyst), Dr. Eglė Ozolinčiūtė, and Senior Specialist (Analyst), Ms. Simona Vaškevičiūtė conducted training, how to avoid image plagiarism, to the schoolchildren of Kaunas Gymnasium of Jonas Basanavicius on the 13th of September, and to the schoolchildren of Jonava Senamiestis Gymnasium – on the 14th of September. The attendees of the Office’s training “No need to reinvent the wheel! Show who has done it” were introduced to the problem of image plagiarism and its consequences. It was explained, why it is important to quote, how to find image authors, and how copying differs from inspiration. The practical examples were also presented to the schoolchildren about image quotation in the prepared works, and the tasks were given, the aim of which was to draw the schoolchildren’s attention to the proper use of images in order to avoid violations of academic ethics in the course of studies at higher education institution.

Office’s archives
Office’s archives

In total, 74 schoolchildren attended the Office’s training in both gymnasiums. Besides, 5 teachers were involved. The schoolchildren showed active interest in application of ethical practice of image use in the learning process. Meanwhile, the teachers expressed their interest in opportunities to foster the culture of academic ethics to schoolchildren still being at school.