
Participation in the seminar-discussion “Ethical Issues in Citizen Science: between Enclosure and Freedom”

On 24 November 2023, Dr Birutė Liekė, Senior Analyst of the Office, participated in a seminar-discussion “Ethical Issues in Citizen Science: between Enclosure and Freedom” organised by Vytautas Magnus University. She presented the Guidelines on Research Ethics and Research Integrity in Citizen Science and participated in a roundtable discussion. The discussion focused on the regulation of academic ethics and the interaction between science and society. It also looked at how research and higher education institutions and their departments could better contribute to the promotion of citizen science. The discussion developed around whether/how the regulation of academic ethics should be improved to empower and promote citizen science. Other topical issues of academic ethics were also discussed. Other relevant issues of academic ethics were also brought to the discussion.

Around 40 members of the academic community attended the seminar-discussion.