
Discussions on research and publication ethics with the community of Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences

On 10 February, the Ombudswoman for Academic Ethics and Procedures, Dr Loreta Tauginienė met with the academic community of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (LCSS). Around 50 community members attended the meeting.

During the meeting, the Ombudswoman explained the origins of the responsibility of a researcher to comply with the norms of scientific and professional ethics in Lithuania and emphasized that from the legal point of view, research and publication ethics appeared much earlier than the institution of the Ombudsperson for Academic Ethics and Procedures was established in the Law on Research and Higher Education of the Republic of Lithuania. The Ombudswoman gave a brief overview of the typology of academic ethics breaches, elaborated on the measures to be taken to prevent certain academic ethics breaches (e.g., plagiarism, unethical authorship, and other breaches related to research data, institutional affiliation), and the consequences of academic ethics breaches. The Ombudswoman stressed that the implementation of open science has the potential to reduce unethical behaviour, such as unethical authorship, data falsification and data fabrication. The Ombudswoman concluded her presentation by outlining the types of unethical behaviour most found in economics and how to identify economics journals that are striving for international academic ethics standards. She drew the attention of the LCSS academic community to the fact that research and publication ethics is one of the components of research quality, and that every researcher should be guided by such an approach.

The meeting with the LCSS academic community was also attended by a representative of the Lithuanian Research Council – Head of the Science Policy and Analysis Division Dr Eugenijus Stumbrys, who presented the peculiarities of the annual assessment of research activities and answered questions from the LCSS community regarding, for example, publication of research papers in predatory journals, encouragement of publishing articles with foreign researchers, practices of calculating the author’s contribution, etc.