Conference on World Ethics Day

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    Office of the Ombudsman for Academic Ethics and Procedures of the Republic of Lithuania 

    Conference on World Ethics Day 


    Navigating Ethical Challenges in Academia 

    the Role of AI and Trust  


    11 October 2024 

    Corner Hotel (Perra Grand Hall), T. Ševčenkos str. 16, 03111 Vilnius 


    9:00 – 9:45  Registration 

    9:45 – 10:05  Words of welcome 

    Ingrida Šimonytė, Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania 

    Dr. Artūras Žukauskas, Chair of the Committee on Education and Science 

    Dr. Dalius Serafinas, President of the Lithuanian Scientific Society  

    Dr. Reda Cimmperman, Ombudswoman for Academic Ethics and Procedures 

    10:05 – 10:35 


    1) “Academic Ethics, Trust, and AI in Military Science: The Austrian Point
    of View.”   2) “The Austrian View on Academic Ethics, Trust, and AI in Science” (more general – if I have to skip the military part)  Phd. Ertl Paul Georg, National Defence Academy, Centre for Leadership and Defence Awareness (former Institute for Human and Social Sciences), Faculty Member 

    10:35 – 11:05  The AI education disruption: Incremental technology developments and reestablishing trust  

    Dr. Jason Pridmore Vice Dean of Education for the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication and an Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam.   

    11:05 – 11:25
    Clare Phelan

    11:25 – 11:45 


    Guidelines on the ethical use of artificial Intelligence in science and studies  

    Dr. Birutė Liekė, Office of the Ombudsman for Academic Ethics and Procedures 

    12:05 – 12:25
    Andrius Bambalas 

    12:25 – 12:45 


    The impact of generative artificial intelligence on education and science 

    Prof. Dr. Olga Kurasova, Senior Research Fellow, Cognitive Computing Group 

    12:45 – 13:45   

    13:45 – 14:05  Responsible research barometer 2024 

    Dr. Rima Sinickė, Office of the Ombudsman for Academic Ethics and Procedures 

    14:05 – 14:25 


    Learning through Collaboration: Practice of European Network of Research Integrity Offices 

    Dr. Loreta Tauginienė, Vice-rector at Kazimieras Simonavicius university with expertise in Academic Ethics 

    14:25 – 14:45  Ethics in Science: Navigating the Intersection between Rules and their Application, example of a research unit in France 

    Prof. Dr. Claudia Wiegand, Laboratoire ECOBIO_ UMR 6553 UR-CNRS 

    14:45 – 15:05  Re-defining the ecosystem of trust in science: the role of stewards of trust in changing research environments 

    Dr. Agata Gurzawska, Cluster Lead – Ethics, Human Rights and New Technologies 

    15:05 – 15:25  Research ethics challenges of new technologies: preliminary results of the irecs project 

    Prof. Dr. Eugenijus Gefenas, Director of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University. 

    15:25 – 15:45  Building Bridges of Trust: The Power of Collaborative Communication in Science and Technology 

    Julija Baniukevic, IANUS project coordinator, Research Council of Lithuania 

    15:45 – 15:50  End of the conference